Now Available Online | Copies and Models in Horace Odes 4.1 and 4.2, by Gregory Nagy

An online version of “Copies and Models in Horace Odes 4.1 and 4.2,” an essay published over 20 years ago in Classical World 87, is now available at the CHS website. In the 2015 edition, Gregory Nagy has added translations of the Latin and Greek and has provided additional observations.

Nagy focuses his research on the key word mimesis, explaining how Horace highlights conceptions of mimesis through his poetry:

§3. This idea of mimesis, which I write without italics from here on, works on the principle that those who re-enact something are not only imitating a model: by re-enacting they also become models in their own right, to be imitated by a series of successors who perpetuate, moving forward in time, the chain of re-enactment. I suggest that Horace has achieved an imaginative repetition of this idea in the poetics of Ode 4.2—and of Ode 4.1 as well.

Concurrent with the publication of this essay, Nagy continues to explore the Odes of Horace in his 12.31.2015 Classical Inquiries post, “Some imitations of Pindar and Sappho by Horace.”

“The Singing Swan,” by Reinier van Persijn (circa 1655) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
“The Singing Swan,” by Reinier van Persijn (circa 1655) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

2 responses to “Now Available Online | Copies and Models in Horace Odes 4.1 and 4.2, by Gregory Nagy”

  1. It is interesting to me that imitation is not only acceptable but supported while in our society it is not. As I write this, though, I think of such the recreative artists of dance and music keeping classical ballet and classical music from fading away. Ever the more modern forms such as Martha Graham Company, the Jose Limon Dance Company carrying dance on, even though if one compares filmed performances of Martha Graham herself with contemporary performances, the differences are quite striking. I wonder what the ancient poets, composers, would say were of our present understandings of their work.

    1. Hi Elly! I, too, find myself wondering what the ancient poets would think of our understandings and realizations of their work. Paragraph 5 from professor Nagy’s essay really stuck with me:
      “Mimesis is like Kierkegaard’s repetition. When you re-enact an archetypal action in drama, you imitate those who re-enacted before {415|416} you and who served as your immediate models. But the ultimate model is still the archetypal figure that you are acting out or re-enacting, who is coextensive with the whole line of imitators who had re-enacted the way in which their ultimate model acted, each imitating each one’s predecessor. When it is your turn, your moment to re-enact something in this forward movement of mimesis, you become the ultimate model in that very moment.”

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