Use the following persistent identifier:
9. The Distribution of Rig-Vedic śrávas: An Intensive Correlation of Phraseology with Meter
(RV 1.40.4 / 8.103.5 / 9.66.7 / 1.9.7)
In fact, from among the 87 attestations of śrávas (nominative/accusative singular) in the Rig-Veda, 24 are in collocation with the verb dhā-, by my count. When śrávas is in certain positional slots, such as in 9 10 of 11 (that is, the ninth and tenth syllables of hendecasyllabic verses), there is a 100% co-occurrence of śrávas with dhā-. These slots 9 10 of 11 reveal still another interesting constraint. Whenever the imperative of dhā-, dhehi, occurs with śrávas, the word asmé ‘to us’ is also {191|192} present (RV 1.9.7, 1.9.8, 1.43.7, 1.44.2, 1.79.4, 4.17.20, 8.65.9); only once is it missing, but here too we find an appropriate substitute, the enclitic nas, likewise meaning ‘to us’, which is a syntactic variant of the non-enclitic asmé ‘to us’:
Significantly, the position of nas in slot 11 of this 11-syllable Triṣṭubh verse is elsewhere in Triṣṭubh verses occupied exclusively by dhā- wherever this verb is in collocation with śrávas in syllables 9 10:
sá vā́jaṃ darṣi sá ihá śrávo dhāḥ (RV 10.69.3)
If indeed the Dvipadā Virāj verse is metrically 1 2 3 4 5||7 8 9 10 11 (with no 6), then the 9 10 11 = śrávo dhuḥ here matches the 9 10 11 = śrávo dhā(s) of the Triṣṭubh verses which we have just surveyed, RV 1.171.5 and 10.69.3. As for an instance of such interchangeability even in the openings of decasyllables and hendecasyllables, I cite abhí śrávas in syllables 1 2 3 4 of RV 1.61.10 (decasyllabic) and of RV 6.37.3 (hendecasyllabic).
1.110.5 ámartyeṣu (śrávas)
3.53.15 (śrávo) devéṣu
3.53.16 (śrávaḥ) pā́ñcajanāsu kṛṣṭíṣu
‘peoples of the five races’
4.31.15 (śrávo) devéṣu
5.7.9 (śrávas) … mártyeṣu
7.34.18 nṛ́ṣu (śrávas)
8.65.12 (śrávo) devéṣu
9.98.8 sūríṣu (śrávas)
‘patrons [of the sacrifice]’
10.62.7 (śrávo) devéṣu
10.93.10 vīréṣu … (śrávas)
10.155.5 devéṣu … (śrávas)
Table 1. Rig-Vedic Occurrences of śrávas in the Nominative/Accusative Singular
1.9.7 | 5-6 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #asmé pṛthú śrávo bṛhát# #viśvā́yur dhehy ákṣitam# |
1.9.8 | 5-6 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #asmé dhehi śrávo bṛhád#dyumnáṃ … |
1.40.4 | 7-8 | of | 8 | (Satobṛhatī) | #sá dhatte ákṣiti śrávaḥ# |
1.43.7 | 3-4 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #…dhehi…# #máhi śrávas tuvinṛmṇám# |
1.44.2 | 5-6 | of | 8 | (Satobṛhatī) | #asmé dhehi śrávo bṛhát# |
1.51.10 | 10-12 | of | 12 | (Jagatī) | #ā́ púryamāṇam avahann abhí śrávaḥ# |
1.61.10 | 3-4 | of | 10 | (Arnold, VM 240f) | #abhí śrávo dāváne sácetāḥ# |
1.73.7 | 3-4 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #diví śrávo dadhire yajñíyāsaḥ# |
1.73.10 | 3-4 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #ádhi śrávo devábhaktam dádhānāḥ# |
1.79.4 | 3-4 | of | 4 | (Uṣṇih) | #asmé dhehi jātavedo#máhi śrávaḥ# |
1.102.2 | 3-4 | of | 12 | (Jagatī) | #asyá śrávo nadyàḥ saptá bibhrati# |
1.102.7 | 11-12 | of | 12 | (Jagatī) | #út sahásrād ririce kṛṣṭíṣu śrávaḥ# |
1.110.5 | 6-7 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #ámartyeṣu śráva icchámānāḥ# |
1.117.8 | 6-7 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #yán nārṣadā́ya śrávo adhyádhattam# |
1.126.1 | 6-7 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #atúrto rā́jā śráva icchámānaḥ# |
1.126.2 | 3-4 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #diví śrávo ‘járam ā́ tatāna# {197|198} |
1.126.5 | 5-6 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #ánasvantaḥ śráva áiṣanta pajrā́ḥ# |
1.160.5 | 11-12 | of | 12 | (Jagatī) | #té no gṛṇāné mahinī máhi śrávaḥ# |
1.165.12 | 5-6 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #ánedyaḥ śráva éṣo dádhānāḥ# |
1.171.5 | 9-10 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #sá no marúdbhir vṛṣabha śrávo dhā# |
3.37.10 | 5-6 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #ágann indra śrávo bṛhád# #dyumnáṃ dadhiṣva duṣṭáram# |
3.53.15 | 1-2 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #…tatāna# #śrávo devéṣv amṛ́tam ajuryám# |
3.53.16 | 3-4 | of | 12 | (irregular) | #ádhi śrávaḥ pā́ñcajanāsu kṛṣṭíṣu# |
4.17.20 | 3-4 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #tváṃ rā́jā janúṣāṃ dhehy asmé# #ádhi śrávo mā́hinaṃ yáj jaritré# |
4.26.5 | 3-4 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #utá śrávo vivide śyenó átra# |
4.31.15 | 1-2 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #śrávo devéṣu sūrya# |
4.36.9 | 3-4 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #ihá śrávo vīrávat takṣatā naḥ# |
4.38.5 | 1-2 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #śrávaś cā́cchā paśumác ca yūthám# |
5.7.9 | 7-8 | of | 8 | (Anuṣṭubh) | #áiṣu dyumnám utá śráva# #ā́ cittám mártyeṣu dhāḥ# |
5.16.4 | 3-4 | of | 8 | (Anuṣṭubh) | #pári śrávo babhūvatuḥ# {198|199} |
5.18.5 | 7-8 | of | 8 | (Pag̣kti) | #dyumád agne máhi śrávo# #bṛhát kṛdhi maghónāṃ# #nṛvád amṛta nṛṇā́m# |
5.35.8 | 3-4 | of | 8 | (Anuṣṭubh) | #diví śrávo dadhīmahi# |
5.52.1 | 1-2 | of | 8 | (Anuṣṭubh) | #śrávo mádanti yajñíyāḥ# |
5.86.6 | 5-6 | of | 8 | (Anuṣṭubh) | #tā́ sūríṣu śrávo bṛhád# |
6.1.4 | 5-6 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #śravasyávaḥ śráva āpann ámṛktam# |
6.2.1 | 7-8 | of | 8 | (Anuṣṭubh) | #tváṃ vicarṣaṇe śrávo# |
6.37.3 | 3-4 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #abhí śráva ṛ́jyanto vaheyur# |
6.46.5 | 7-8 | of | 8 | (Bṛhatī) | #ójiṣṭham pápuri śrávaḥ# |
6.48.12 | 1-2 | of | 8 | (Satobṛhatī) | #śrávó ‘mṛtyu dhúkṣata# |
6.58.3 | 6-7 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #kā́mena kṛta śráva icchámānaḥ# |
6.65.3 | 1-2 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #śrávo vā́jam íṣam úrjaṃ váhantīr# |
6.65.6 | 9-10 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #urugāyám ádhi dhehi śrávo naḥ# |
6.70.5 | 3-4 | of | 12 | (Jagatī) | #dádhāne…# #máhi śrávo vā́jam asmé suvī́ryam# |
7.5.8 | 3-4 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #pṛthú śrávo dāśúṣe mártyāya |
7.18.24 | 3-4 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #yásya śrávo ródasī antár urvī́# |
7.34.18 | 3-4 | of | 5 | (Dvipadā) | #utá na eṣú#nṛ́ṣu śrávo dhuḥ# {199|200} |
7.81.6 | 1-2 | of | 12 | (Satobṛhatī) | #śrávaḥ sūríbhyo amṛ́taṃ vasutvanáṃ# |
8.9.17 | 5-6 | of | 8 | (Anuṣṭubh) | #prá mádāya śrávo bṛhát# |
8.13.12 | 1-2 | of | 12 | (Uṣṇih) | #śrávaḥ sūríbhyo amṛ́taṃ vasutvanám# |
8.15.8 | 7-8 | of | 8 | (Uṣṇih) | #pṛthivī́ vardhati śrávaḥ# |
8.31.7 | 1-2 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #śrávo bṛhád vivāsataḥ# |
8.46.24 | 10-11 | of | 11 | (irregular) | #abhūd várṣiṣṭham akṛta śrávaḥ# |
8.55.5 | 7-8 | of | 8 | (Anuṣṭubh) | #ā́nūnasya máhi śrávaḥ# |
8.65.9 | 5-6 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #asmé dhehi śrávo bṛhát# |
8.65.12 | 1-2 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #śrávo devéṣv akrata# |
8.74.9 | 7-8 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #…bṛhád#úpopa śrávasi śrávaḥ# |
8.80.5 | 7-8 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #upamáṃ vājayú śrávaḥ# |
8.89.4 | 1-2 | of | 8 | (Satobṛhatī) | #śrávaś cit te as ad bṛhát# |
8.103.5 | 7-8 | of | 8 | (Satobṛhatī) | #…vā́jam…#sá dhatte ákṣiti śrávaḥ# |
9.1.4 | 7-8 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #abhí vā́jam utá śrávaḥ# |
9.4.1 | 7-8 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #pávamāna máhi śrávaḥ# |
9.6.3 | 7-8 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #abhí vā́jam utá śrávaḥ# |
9.7.9 | 1-2 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #śrávo vásūni sáṃ jitam# |
9.9.9 | 7-8 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #pávamāna máhi śrávo# {200|201} |
9.20.3 | 5-6 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #sá naḥ soma śrávo vidaḥ# |
9.32.6 | 7-8 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #saním medhā́m utá śrávaḥ# |
9.44.6 | 5-6 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #vā́jaṃ jeṣi śrávo bṛhát# |
9.51.5 | 7-8 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #abhí vā́jam utá śrávaḥ# |
9.61.10 | 7-8 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #ugráṃ śárma máhi śrávaḥ# |
9.63.12 | 7-8 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #abhí vā́jam utá śrávaḥ# |
9.66.7 | 7-8 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #dádhāno ákṣiti śrávaḥ# |
9.80.2 | 11-12 | of | 12 | (Jagatī) | #maghónām ā́yuḥ pratirán máhi śráva# |
9.83.5 | 9-10 | of | 12 | (Jagatī) | #…vā́jam…# #sahásrabhṛṣṭir jayasi śrávo bṛhát# |
9.86.40 | 9-10 | of | 12 | (Jagatī) | #…vā́jam…# #sahásrabhṛṣṭir jayati śrávo bṛhát# |
9.98.8 | 5-6 | of | 8 | (Anuṣṭubh) | #yáḥ sūríṣu śrávo bṛhád#dadhé… |
9.100.8 | 7-8 | of | 8 | (Anuṣṭubh) | #pávamāna máhi śrávas# |
10.27.21 | 1-2 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #śráva íd enā́ paró anyád asti# |
10.28.12 | 3-4 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #diví śrávo dadhiṣe nā́ma vīráḥ# |
10.50.1 | 1-2 | of | 12 | (Jagatī) | #…máhi# #śrávo nṛmṇáṃ ca ródasī saparyátaḥ# |
10.62.7 | 1-2 | of | 8 | (Satobṛhatī) | #śrávo devéṣv akrata# {201|202} |
10.69.3 | 9-10 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #sá vā́jaṃ darṣi sá ihá śrávo dhāḥ# |
10.92.10 | 11-12 | of | 12 | (Jagatī) | #té hí prajā́yā ábharanta ví śrávo# |
10.93.10 | 11-12 | of | 12 | (12/12/8/8) | #asmé vīréṣu viśvácarṣaṇi śrávaḥ# |
10.102.4 | 6-7 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #prá muṣkábhāraḥ śráva icchámāno# #’jirám… |
10.131.3 | 3-4 | of | 12 | (Triṣṭubh) | #nótá śrávo vivide saṃgaméṣu# |
10.140.1 | 5-6 | of | 8 | (8/12/12/8) (cf. Arnold, VM 236) | #ágne táva śrávo váyo#máhi… |
10.155.5 | 7-8 | of | 8 | (Anuṣṭubh) | #devéṣv akrata śrávaḥ# {202|203} |
Table 2. Rig-Vedic Occurrences of śrávas in Cases Other Than the Nominative/Accusative Singular
1.11.7 | 1-2-3 | of | 8 | (Anuṣṭubh) | #śrávāṃsy út tira# |
1.31.7 | 6-7-8 | of | 12 | (Jagatī) | #mártaṃ dadhāsi śrávase divé-dive# |
1.34.5 | 9-10-11 | of | 12 | (Jagatī) | #tríḥ saubhagatváṃ trír utá śrávāṃsi nas# |
1.57.3 | 5-6-7 | of | 12 | (Jagatī) | #yásya dhā́ma śrávase nā́mendriyám# |
1.73.5 | 6-7-8 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #bhāgáṃ devéṣu śrávase dádhānāḥ# |
1.91.18 | 3-4-5 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #diví śrávāṃsy uttamā́ni dhiṣva# |
1.92.8 | 5-6-7 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #sudáṃsasā śrávasā yā́ vibhā́si# |
1.95.11 | 6-7-8 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #revát pāvaka śrávase ví bhāhi# |
1.103.4 | 5-6-7 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #yád dha sūnúḥ śrávase nā́ma dadhé# |
1.113.6 | 5-6-7 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #kṣatrā́ya tvaṃ śrávase tvam mahīyā́# |
1.121.14 | 5-6-7 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #iṣé yandhi śrávase sūnṛ́tāyai# |
1.134.3 | 1-2-3 | of | 8 | (Atyaṣṭi) | #śrávase vāsayoṣásaḥ# |
1.149.2 | 1-2-3 | of | 11 | (Virāj) | #śrávobhir ásti jīvápītasargaḥ# |
1.156.2 | 3-4-5 | of | 11 | (Jagatī) | #séd u śrávobhir yújyaṃ cid abhy àsat# |
3.1.16 | 5-6-7 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #surétasā śrávasā túñjamānā# |
3.19.5 | 3-4-5 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #ádhi śrávāṃsi dhehi tanúsu# {203|204} |
3.30.5 | 9-10-11 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #utā́bhaye puruhūta śrávobhir# |
3.37.7 | 5-6-7 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #pṛtsutúrṣu śrávassu ca# |
3.54.22 | 9-10-11 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #asmadryàk sám mimīhi śrávāṃsi# |
3.59.7 | 3-4-5 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #abhí śrávobhiḥ pṛthivī́m# |
4.41.9 | 5-6-7 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #raghvī́r iva śrávaso bhíkṣamāṇāḥ# |
5.4.2 | 9-10-11 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #asmadryàk sám mimīhi śrávāṃsi# |
5.18.4 | 1-2-3 | of | 8 | (Anuṣṭubh) | #śrávāṃsi dadhire pári# |
5.61.11 | 3-4-5 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #átra śrávāṃsi dadhire# |
6.1.11 | 1-2-3 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #śrávobhiś ca śravasyàs tárutraḥ# |
6.5.5 | 6-7-8 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #rāyā́ dyumnéna śrávasā ví bhāti# |
6.10.3 | 5-6-7 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #pīpā́ya sá śrávasā mártyeṣu# |
6.10.5 | 5-6-7 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #yé rā́dhasā śrávasā cā́ty anyā́n# |
6.17.14 | 6-7-8 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #sá no vā́jāya śrávasa iṣé ca# |
6.19.3 | 9-10-11 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #asmadryàk sám mimīhi śrávāṃsi# |
7.16.10 | 4-5-6 | of | 8 | (Satobṛhatī) | #kā́mena śrávaso maháḥ# |
7.18.23 | 6-7-8 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #tokáṃ tokā́ya śrávase vahanti# |
7.79.3 | 9-10-11 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #ájījanat suvitā́ya śrávāṃsi# |
7.90.7 | 5-6-7 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #árvanto ná śrávaso bhíkṣamāṇā# {204|205} |
8.5.32 | 6-7-8 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #ā́ no dyumnáir ā́ śrávobhir# |
8.6.48 | 1-2-3 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #śrávasā yā́dvaṃ jánam# |
8.70.9 | 4-5-6 | of | 8 | (Bṛhatī) | #úd indra śrávase mahé# |
8.74.9 | 4-5-6 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #úpopa śrávasi śrávaḥ# |
8.74.10 | 3-4-5 | of | 8 | (Anuṣṭubh) | #yásya śrávāṃsi túrvatha# |
8.99.2 | 3-4-5 | of | 12 | (Satobṛhatī) | #táva śrávāṃsi upamā́ny ukthyā# |
8.101.12 | 5-6-7 | of | 12 | (Satobṛhatī) | #báṭ sūrya śrávasā mahā́n asi# |
9.32.1 | 1-2-3 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #śrávase no maghónaḥ# |
9.62.22 | 4-5-6 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #gṛṇānā́ḥ śrávase mahé# |
9.63.1 | 3-4-5 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #asmé śrávāṃsi dhāraya# |
9.67.5 | 2-3-4 | of | 8 | (Gāyatrī) | #ví śrávāṃsi ví sáubhagā# |
9.70.2 | 6-7-8 | of | 12 | (Jagatī) | #yádī devásya śrávasā sádo vidúḥ# |
9.80.3 | 6-7-8 | of | 12 | (Jagatī) | #úrjaṃ vásānaḥ śrávase sumaGgálaḥ# |
9.87.5 | 9-10-11 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #mahé vā́jāyāmṛ́tāya śrávāṃsi# |
9.97.25 | 5-6-7 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #árvāw iva śrávase sātím ácchā# |
9.108.4 | 3-4-5 | of | 8 | (8/12/12/8) | #yéna śrávāṃsy ānasúḥ# |
9.110.5 | 6-7-8 | of | 12 | (ŪrdhvaBṛhatī) | #abhy-àbhi hí śrávasā tatárdithā# |
9.110.7 | 6-7-8 | of | 12 | (ŪrdhvaBṛhatī) | #mahé vā́jāya śrávase dhíyaṃ dadhuḥ# |
10.35.5 | 6-7-8 | of | 12 | (Jagatī) | #bhadrā́ no adyá śrávase vy ucchata# {205|206} |
10.59.2 | 9-10-11 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #kárāmahe sú purudhá śrávāṃsi# |
10.61.24 | 6-7-8 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #vípraś cāsi śrávasaś ca sātáu# |
10.116.6 | 9-10-11 | of | 11 | (Triṣṭubh) | #vy àryá indra tanuhi śrávāṃsi# {206|207} |
Table 3. Rig-Vedic Occurrence-Frequency of śrávas (Nominative/Accusative Singular) in the Various Positions (Horizontal Axis) of the Various Meters (Vertical Axis)
1-2 | 2-3 | 3-4 | 4-5 | 5-6 | 6-7 | 7-8 | 8-9 | 9-10 | 10-11 | 11-12 | |
8-syllabic | 8x | 0x | 3x | 0x | 11x | 0x | 21x | ||||
12-syllabic | 4x | 0x | 3x | 0x | 0x | 0x | 0x | 0x | 2x | 0x | 7x |
11-syllabic | 4x | 0x | 10x | 0x | 3x | 5x | 0x | 0x | 3x | * |
Table 4. Rig-Vedic Occurrence-Frequency of śrávas in All Cases and Numbers Other Than the Nominative/Accusative Singular
1-2-3 | 2-3-4 | 3-4-5 | 4-5-6 | 5-6-7 | 6-7-8 | 7-8-9 | 8-9-10 | 9-10-11 | 10-11-12 | |
8-syllabic | 5x | 1x | 5x | 4x | 1x | 1x | ||||
12-syllabic | 0x | 0x | 1x | 0x | 2x | 6x | 0x | 0x | 1x | 0x |
11-syllabic | 2x | 0x | 3x | 0x | 10x | 6x | 0x | 0x | 8x | {207|208} |
Table 5. Rig-Vedic Occurrence-Frequency of śrávas in All Singular Cases Other Than the Nominative/Accusative
1-2-3 | 2-3-4 | 3-4-5 | 4-5-6 | 5-6-7 | 6-7-8 | 7-8-9 | 8-9-10 | 9-10-11 | 10-11-12 | |
8-syllabic | 3x | 0x | 0x | 4x | 0x | 0x | ||||
12-syllabic | 0x | 0x | 0x | 0x | 2x | 6x | 0x | 0x | 0x | 0x |
11-syllabic | 0x | 0x | 0x | 0x | 10x | 6x | 0x | 0x | 0x |
Table 6. Rig-Vedic Occurrence-Frequency of śrávas in All Plural Cases
1-2-3 | 2-3-4 | 3-4-5 | 4-5-6 | 5-6-7 | 6-7-8 | 7-8-9 | 8-9-10 | 9-10-11 | 10-11-12 | |
8-syllabic | 2x | 1x | 5x | 0x | 1x | 1x | ||||
12-syllabic | 0x | 0x | 1x | 0x | 0x | 0x | 0x | 0x | 1x | 0x |
11-syllabic | 2x | 0x | 3x | 0x | 0x | 0x | 0x | 0x | 8x | {208|209} |







Type A shows both śrávas and bṛhát occupying slots which they also have when they are in contiguity, 1 2 (3 4) and (5 6) 7 8 respectively. In type C, however, only bṛhát occupies the slots which it also has in contiguity with śrávas, namely (5 6) 7 8, while śrávas itself occurs in a slot independent of its position in contiguity with bṛhát, namely 7 8. To put it another way: in terms of the ensemble śráva(s) bṛhát, the tmesis of type C has resulted in a slot-switch for śrávas but not for its epithet, bṛhát. Such coexistence of noun + epithet combinations in both contiguity and tmesis offers additional incentive for reconstructing śráva(s) ákṣitam in contiguity, alongside the actually attested Rig- Vedic śrávas … ákṣitam in tmesis; the epithet ákṣitam remains at 6 7 8 in both the reconstructed and the actual instance. [6] {210|211} As for Type B, neither śrávas nor bṛhát occupies the slots which they have when they are in contiguity. On the other hand, slot 5 6 before śrávas is occupied by máhi in the only representative of type B (5.18.5), and this fact may be a key to the explanation: I propose that the phrase máhi śrávas has taken precedence over śráva(s) bṛhát, and a conflation of the two phrases results in positional rearrangement of the latter in favor of the former.

= ⏑ – ⏑ – ⏑ – ⏑ ⏓

= ⏑ – ⏑ – ⏓ ⏓ ⏓ ⏓ ⏑ – ⏑ ⏓
The appended scansions are imaginary in that they presuppose a sequence consisting of the same word, but they are real in showing the metrical constraints to which the word adheres. The short quantity of elements 1 3 5 7 9 11 is not only the natural quantity of the first syllable in śrávas; it also happens to be the optional (in the opening) or regular (in the closing) metrical quantity of these elements in attested Indic octosyllables and dodecasyllables. As for the quantity of elements 2 4 6 8 10, we cannot simply assume the long quantities as they are represented in the imaginary scansion; length in the second syllable of śrávas is possible only if the following word begins with a consonant.
In fact, no instance of preconsonantal śrávas is attested for slots 5 6 and 6 7 of hendecasyllables; they are reserved for prevocalic śrávas. [10] But the point at hand remains simply that in Rig-Vedic octosyllables and dodecasyllables, śrávas is regularly in preconsonantal position, with only one exception; and there is no attestation of slot-overlap, by contrast to the 5 6 vs. 6 7 overlap in hendecasyllables. Hence the validity of the scansions ⏑ – ⏑ – ⏑ – ⏑ ⏓ and ⏑ – ⏑ – ⏓ ⏓ ⏓ ⏓ ⏑ – ⏑ ⏓: they have been constructed solely from the positional contexts of śrávas.
Such statistical parallelism, then, illustrates the kindred dynamics of closings in dimeter and trimeter.
This dodecasyllabic/hendecasyllabic statistical parallelism in occurrence and non-overlap is matched by parallelism in occurrence and overlap. Again, we see from Table 4 (p. 207):
as {217|218}
These close statistical parallelisms in dodeca-syllables and hendecasyllables corroborate a theory of metrical derivation: that the latter verse-type equals the former minus the last syllable, in other words, that the latter equals the former by catalexis. [13] The overlap last to be mentioned, that of 5 6 7/6 7 8, is even more significant: this trisyllabic overlap matches the disyllabic overlap of 5 6/6 7 in hendecasyllables. [14]
8.70.9 #úd indra śrávase mahé#
8.74.9 #úpopa śrávasi śrávas#
9.62.22 #gṛṇānā́ḥ śrávase mahé#
The scansion ⏑ ⏑ for 4 5 in attested śrávasas, śrávase, and śrávasi is crucial for my argument because it coincides with the ⏑ ⏑ of 4 5 in the reconstructed śráva(s) ákṣitam#. Also crucial is the fact that śrávasa(s) mahás# and śrávase mahé# in octosyllables are in effect declensional variants of the phrase máhi śrávas#, likewise in octosyllables. Here, then, is collocational evidence for the interchange of śrávas- between slots 4 5 and 7 8. As for RV 8.74.9, with #úpopa śrávasi śrávas#, it is a matter not just of interchange but of actual contiguity of śrávas- in slots 4 5 and 7 8. Such interchange between 4 5 and 7 8 is exactly what has been posited for śráva(s) ákṣitam# vs. ákṣiti śrávas#. [23] That śráva(s) ákṣitam# is no longer attested in contiguity (but only in tmesis: śrávas … ákṣitam#) can be blamed on two main factors: (1) the synchronically irregular metrical pattern of the phrase śráva(s) ákṣitam# = ⏑ ⏑ – ⏑ ⏓, with two shorts in śrávas; [24] (2) the availability of a metrically regular substitute, ákṣiti śrávas# = – ⏑ – ⏑ ⏓. [25]
śrávase mahé#,
śrávasi śrávas#,
śráva(s) ákṣitam#—
all scanned ⏑ ⏑ – ⏑ ⏓. The catalectic variant of such a metrical sequence, that is, ⏑ ⏑ – ⏓, is the important paroemiac cadence of Greek and Slavic meter, a rhythmical pattern which can be reconstructed as an Indo-European inheritance. [26]