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Online bibliography


The Perseus Digital Library has most basic Greek and Roman authors in Greek, Latin and English.

Greek lyric poets: A sampling of texts can be found online at Bibliotheca Augustana, at

For Latin authors, see also Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum at

Old Ireland

CELT, Corpus of Electronic Texts. Many texts in Old Irish and English.

For individual texts, see entries above.

Old Germanic

The Gautreksaga: can be found at Zoe Borovksy’s Norse saga page,

The Heimskringla can be found at OMACL, The Online Medieval and Classical Library,

The Poetic Edda: The Normannii Thiud & Reik site, has the Benjamin Thorpe translation, and facing Old Norse. Text also at TITUS, Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien, Text from, the Sophus Bugge edition.

The Prose Edda: The Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur translation of the Prose Edda (1916) can be found at the Internet Sacred Text Archive site,

Saxo Grammaticus, History of the Danes. Online version available from the Danish Royal Library, A translation by Oliver Elton is available at Berkeley’s Online Medieval and Classical Library,

The Ynglingasaga: The Samuel Laing translation of the Ynglingasaga (part of the Heimskringla by Snorri Sturlson) can be found online at the Internet Sacred Text Archive site,


The Mahābhārata. The entire Mahābhārata, in the English translation by Kisari Mohari Ganguli, available at the Internet Sacred Text Archive, Sanskrit texts at or

Indo-European generally

See TITUS, Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien, at


Testimonia related to this book (including the scholiast lives of Juvenal as well as texts relating to the Greek pharmakos, Androgeus, Codrus, and Aglauros) are available online at